Windows 7
- Create the template
- Open Outlook
- Click New Email and add the appropriate subject and body information
- Click File then Save As, name the template and change the Save as type to Outlook Template (*.oft)
The template is saved at the following default location: C:\Users\%yourprofilefolder%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates
2. Add the template to the Quick Access Toolbar
- Right click the toolbar in Outlook and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar
- In the Choose commands from: dropdown select All Commands
- Scroll down to Choose Form and highlight it
- Click Add to move it to the Customize Quick Access Toolbar: pane, click OK
3. Use Template to send message
- Click on the Choose Form icon in the top left Quick Access Toolbar
- Click on the Look In: drop down and select User Template in File System
- Highlight the named template created in the first step then click Open
- Add recipients and any additional information