If your email is hosted off-site, you may not receive Urgent Updates for MDaemon AntiVirus Print

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If you are not hosting email for your own domain, you may not receive antivirus Urgent Updates published by Alt-N.

There are two solutions depending on how you receive email from the Internet.


From the MDaemon menu bar

  1. Click Setup.
  2. Click DomainPOP.
  3. Look in the Host name or IP field. If you have an IP address, copy this IP Address and skip to Step 6.
  4. If you have a domain name listed (example: domain123.example.com) write down the domain name.
  5. Open a DOS prompt.
  6. Type Ping example.com (example: Ping domain123.example.com) where example.com is the mail server you receive mail from. You should get 4 replies. Write down the IP address you get the replies from.
  7. Click on the Start Button.
  8. Click Run .
  9. Type 'Explorer' .
  10. Click the OK button.
  11. Navigate to the C:\MDaemon\App directory (Assuming you installed to the default directory).
  12. Find the URGENTIP.dat file.
  13. Open this file with Notepad.
  14. Add the IP address you copied.
  15. Hit Enter on the keyboard.
  16. Click File.
  17. Click Save.


  1. If you know the IP address of the mail server your collecting your mail from, skip to Step 4.
  2. Open a DOS prompt.
  3. Type Ping example.com (example: Ping domain123.example.com) where example.com is the mail server you receive mail from. You should get 4 replies. Write down the IP address you get the replies from.
  4. Click on the Start Button.
  5. Click Run.
  6. Type 'Explorer' .
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Navigate to C:\MDaemon\App directory (Assuming you installed to the default directory).
  9. Find the URGENTIP.dat file.
  10. Open this file with Notepad.
  11. Add the IP address of the Mail server you're collecting your mail from.
  12. Hit Enter on the keyboard.
  13. Click File.
  14. Click Save.

Additional Comments

The urgentip.dat file contains the IP addresses that are valid for sending Urgent Updates to your MDaemon server. Adding your ISP or mail host as one of these entries will allow the Urgent Updates to function properly.

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