How to enable folder redirection on your MDaemon BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) activated BlackB Print

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This article will explain how to enable folder redirection on your BlackBerry device for additional mail folders. By default, MDaemon will setup Inbox and Sent items folders only.

There are two ways of enabling folder redirection for your BES enabled account. You can enable them via WorldClient or from your MDaemon BES activated BlackBerry device.

From WorldClient:

  1. Log in to WorldClient with the BES enabled account you wish to enable folder redirection.
  2. Select Options on the left pane

  3. Select Folders on the left pane

  4. Enable Push to BlackBerry for the folders you wish to enable folder redirection to push the mail folders to your BlackBerry device

  5. Click Save

From your BlackBerry device: (This may be different depending on your device operating system)

  1. Click the Desktop email icon representing the BES enabled MDaemon account.

  2. Click the BlackBerry Menu key
  3. Select Options

  4. Select Email Settings

  5. Click the BlackBerry Menu key
  6. Select Folder Redirection

  7. Expand the Mailbox and enable the folders you wish to setup folder redirection for.

  8. Click the BlackBerry Menu key
  9. Select Save

Both of these procedures will start to push mail from these specific folders to your BlackBerry device. Push will occur on new mail after enabling the folders for redirection. 

Additional Comments

This feature is only available in MDaemon Pro.

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