MDaemon 13.x : How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in MD Print

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This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.

MDaemon has three built-in Policies: Default, Expiring Passwords, and Password Required. These Policies cannot be changed or deleted

To view Policies:

  1. From the MDaemon console, click the Setup menu.
  2. Click Mobile Device Management...
  3. Click Policies under Black Berry Enterprise Server

To create a new Policy:

  1. Click New
  2. Give the policy a name for your reference. (example: Example)
  3. Click Ok
  4. Change each option in the Policy to your specifications.
    Note: If you hover over an option, you will receive a Tool Tip explaining each option.
  5. Once you are satisfied with the selected options, click Save.
  6. Click Ok

To update an existing Policy:

  1. Select the custom policy you would like to update from the Policies drop down box.
  2. Edit the selected options you would like to change.
  3. Click Save
  4. Click Ok

Additional Comments

This feature is only available in MDaemon Pro.

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