MDaemon 15.0.x - Setting an ActiveSync restriction for specified devices Print

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MDaemon's ActiveSync server supports ActiveSync versions 2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1. In some cases there may be some compatibility issues with a device's ActiveSync version they are attempting to connect with. To assist with these issues an Administrator can restrict a device to only use the specified ActiveSync version. 

Restrictions can be set based on the device's User Agent and/or Device Type. Use this KBA to restrict a specified device based on its User Agent or Device Type.

To configure a restriction by the User Agent:

  1. Select Setup
  2. Selet Mobile Device Management
  3. Select Restrictions
  4. Select New Restriction
  5. Select the radio button for User Agent
  6. Within the text box, enter in the User Agent
    • See Additional Comments section for an example on how to find the User Agent.
  7. Under Select one or more ActiveSync protocol versions, select which ActiveSync versions the device will be restricted to connect on
  8. Select OK 
  9. Select Apply
  10. Select OK

To configure a restriction by the Device Type:

  1. Select Setup
  2. Selet Mobile Device Management
  3. Select Restrictions
  4. Select New Restriction
  5. Select the radio button for Device Type
  6. Within the text box, enter in the Device Type
    • See Additional Comments section for an example on how to find the Device Type.
  7. Under Select one or more ActiveSync protocol versions, select which ActiveSync versions the device will be restricted to connect on
  8. Select OK 
  9. Select Apply
  10. Select OK

Additional Comments

In order for the device to honor the restriction an Options command must be sent by the device. At this point it's still up to the device to honor the restriction. MDaemon's ActiveSync server cannot force a device to use the defined restriction. 

If you don't know the User Agent, you can use the MDaemon AirSync logs to verify exactly what your device is passing. You should see something similar to this: 

2013-10-10 10:42:08: Info, [000962CC] 0x413100C0 Connection: Method:POST User-Agent:Apple-iPhone5C1/1101.501 

Where everything bold including the '/' sign is the User Agent. 

If you don't know the Device Type, you can use the MDaemon AirSync logs to verify exactly what your device is passing. You should see something similar to this: 

2013-10-10 10:44:54: Info, [000962CD] 0x413100B8 Connection: Client Info: iPhone (ApplDNTJMQVJDTTN)[14.1] 

Where everything in bold is the Device Type.

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