MDaemon versions 16.0.0 and above include both CalDav and CardDav servers. Blackberry OS10 devices natively support CalDav and CardDav, allowing MDaemon users to sync calendars and contacts with Blackberry OS10 devices.
The steps below will review the steps to synchronize contacts with a BlackBerry OS10 device.
Verify the CardDAV services are enabled in MDaemon.
- Select Setup
- Select Web & IM Services
- Select CalDAV & CardDAV
- Verify Enable CalDAV & CardDAV server is checked
On the Blackberry device:
- Open Settings
- Select Accounts
- Select Add Account
- Select Email, Calendar, and Contacts
- Select the Advanced Settings icon (above the keyboard)
- Select CardDav
- (Optional) Enter a Description
- Enter the MDaemon Email address in the Username field
- Enter the MDaemon Email address in the Email Address field
- Enter the MDaemon Email address password in the Password field
- Enter for the Server Address
- If using https
- Choose a Sync Interval (the default value 30 minutes)
- Tap Done