
(FAQ) Are there any free public DNS servers available for testing? Here are a couple:   (FAQ) Can I add external addresses to the everyone list? The everyone list is created by MDaemon each time the server starts and should not be edited -... (FAQ) Can I disable A-Record lookups when MDaemon is processing mail? When MDaemon doesn't find a MX record for a domain, it automatically tries to find an A-record so... (FAQ) Can I use an alternate name to log into my MDaemon account? By default, MDaemon uses the account's mailbox value as the 'logon' parm when using dynamic... (FAQ) Can an MDaemon alias be a moderator of a mailing list No. A moderated mailing lists must use a real email account as the moderator, not an email alias.... (FAQ) Can mulitple people log in to a WorldClient account simultaneously? No. At this time only one account may log in to a MDaemon account via WorldClient at the same... (FAQ) Configuring Windows Firewall for use with MDaemon How do I configure Windows Firewall to allow MDaemon to be reached from the Internet? Windows... (FAQ) Creating, using, and managing categories in WorldClient MDaemon version 16.5 now includes support to tag email, contacts, tasks, and notes in the... (FAQ) Does MDaemon PRO Messaging Server, BlackBerry Edition require a BlackBerry Enterprise Server ( Does MDaemon PRO Messaging Server, BlackBerry Edition require a BlackBerry Enterprise Server... (FAQ) Does Outbreak Protection work on mail collected via POP? Yes - in most cases. There are a couple requirements for OP to be applied to DomainPOP... (FAQ) Does WorldClient support exceptions to recurring appointments? Can I create exceptions to recurring appointments in WorldClient? At this time, WorldClient... (FAQ) Does WorldClient support exceptions to recurring appointments? Can I create exceptions to recurring appointments in WorldClient? At this time, WorldClient... (FAQ) Does my software quit working if my Software License Renewal expires? No. Your license stays active and your software still works even if your Software License... (FAQ) Does the OpenSSL (Heartbleed) CVE-2014-0160 security vulnerability affect my MDaemon server? MDaemon does not use OpenSSL to provide SSL/TLS support.No versions of MDaemon are affected by... (FAQ) How can I attract spam for the spam trap address? Usenet is the best way to attract spam for your spam trap address. Additional Comments The spam... (FAQ) How can I clear out my users' spam folders automatically? The accountprune program that comes with MDaemon can do this. Create a midnight.bat file and... (FAQ) How can I configure multiple MDaemon servers to share the same domain? MDaemon 10 introduces a feature known as Domain Sharing. This allows multiple MDaemon servers... (FAQ) How can I decrease the amount of RAM MDSpamD uses? MDSpamD is using a lot of memory on my server.  Is it possible to decrease it? To decrease the... (FAQ) How can I disable the Spam Trap report in MDaemon? How can I disable the spam trap report from being sent to the postmaster?In MDaemon 10.0+: Open... (FAQ) How can I disable the Statistics Report in MDaemon? Edit the MDaemon.ini file with a text editor such as Notepad and add the following key to the... (FAQ) How can I downgrade to a previous version of MDaemon? Please follow the steps below to downgrade MDaemon to a prior version.  This article can... (FAQ) How can I fix the rules directory warning when using manual Spam Filter learning? When running manual Spam Filter learning, I get an error:  config: could not find site rules... (FAQ) How can I get WorldClient to run on a 64-bit processor and IIS? If you are getting this error:'%1 is not a valid Win32 application'Try running the... (FAQ) How can I get WorldClient's logs to roll over each day? There is no option in the GUI for this, but you can do it by editing the... (FAQ) How can I improve WorldClient's performance? Defragment the disk where the users' folders reside at least once a week.Configure the... (FAQ) How can I pass logon details to WorldClient from another page? Your link or script will need to use the following syntax to log users in... (FAQ) How can I prevent Winsock error 10053? Winsock error 10053 seems to be occuring on SMTP mail to and from MDaemon. Winsock error 10053... (FAQ) How can I set a default address for WorldClient to use as the FROM address? How can I set a default address for WorldClient to use as the FROM address? By editing the... (FAQ) How can I set a default style in WorldClient? WorldClient has themes, and then different styles for each theme.  If you'd like to force users... (FAQ) How can I set all incoming email as 'read' in an IMAP account? This can be done by editing the hiwater.mrk file in the root of the account's mailbox folder... (FAQ) How can I share the Bayesian Knowledge from one MDaemon server with another server? How can I share the Bayesian Knowledge from one MDaemon server with another server? Option 1You... (FAQ) How do I acquire a Software License Renewal? To purchase Software License Renewal: Find the license key for your product.You can find the... (FAQ) How do I apply HTML code to my domain signature? From the MDaemon console, follow these steps: Click Setup on menu bar. Select Default... (FAQ) How do I backup the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) database? How do I backup the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) database?MDaemon can backup the BES... (FAQ) How do I change the email icon name on my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) activated device? How do I change the email icon name on my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) activated device?In... (FAQ) How do I configure WorldClient to NOT remember user names on the WorldClient log-in page? The following article contains steps for MDaemon version 15 and above.  Previous versions... (FAQ) How do I determine how many days I have left on my Software License Renewal? You can check the Software License Renewal status of MDaemon by using the MDaemon... (FAQ) How do I disable the Language and/or Theme options from the WorldClient login page? The article below will show MDaemon administrators how to completely remove the ability to... (FAQ) How do I get started with MDaemon Messaging Server, BlackBerry Edition and my BlackBerry Smart How do I get started with MDaemon Messaging Server, BlackBerry Edition and my BlackBerry... (FAQ) How do I give users permission to access Public Folders? This article explains how to grant users permission to access MDaemon’s Public Folders. Open the... (FAQ) How do I join the beta-testing team for Alt-N's products? To join the beta-testing team for any of our products, go to... (FAQ) How do I limit the amount of messages that an account can send in a single day? The 'Maximum messages sent per day' option applies to either specific users, new users, or all... (FAQ) How do I log in to the MDaemon system account? Should I log in to the MDaemon system account?   The MDaemon system account is meant for system... (FAQ) How do I modify the text contained in Delivery Status Notifications generated by MDaemon? How do I modify the text contained in Delivery Status Notifications generated by MDaemon?From the... (FAQ) How do I push MDaemon BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to pick up email address or mail dire How do I push MDaemon BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to pick up email address or mail... (FAQ) How do I remove the product and version information from the SMTP, POP, and IMAP greetings? Note: Before editing the MDaemon.ini file on the server, you will want to back up the... (FAQ) How do I reset the Contacts and Calendar data on a BlackBerry smartphone with the data stored How do I reset the Contacts and Calendar data on a BlackBerry smartphone with the data stored... (FAQ) How do I run MDaemon along with ISA Server? There is an application filter for SMTP in ISA that needs to be disabled. Visit (FAQ) How do I set-up ActiveSync on my Android device? How do I synchronize an Android device with an MDaemon user's email, contacts,... (FAQ) How do I stop WorldClient Instant Messenger from automatically asking to download updates? When WorldClient Instant Messenger detects a newer version is available on the server, it... (FAQ) How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in MDaemon? This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.... (FAQ) How many messages can be in one folder in MDaemon? MDaemon's file naming scheme will allow 999,999,999 messages to be in the same queue or folder at... (FAQ) How many messages can be in one folder in MDaemon? MDaemon's file naming scheme will allow 999,999,999 messages to be in the same queue or folder at... (FAQ) How many years of Software License Renewal can I buy? You can purchase one year at a time, which adds on to what you already have. Your purchases are... (FAQ) How much does Software License Renewal cost? For MDaemon, you can pay 35%* or 70%* of the current full-license price, depending on when you... (FAQ) How to perform a full wipe or a data wipe on ActiveSync devices This article pertains to MDaemon version 15.5 and above.   A full (hard) wipe will restore... (FAQ) How to setup an ActiveSync account on an iOS device This article explains how to synchronize a Apple iOS device with an MDaemon user's email,... (FAQ) Is Software License Renewal included with my purchase? One year of Software License Renewal comes with each new software license. Extensions and... (FAQ) MDaemon 11: How do I create a certificate to include secondary domains for WorldClient? If you do not specify additional hosts, you will get a warning from your browser stating that the... (FAQ) MDaemon 12.0.x : How do I backup the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) database? MDaemon can backup the BES database automatically and manually. To configure MDaemon to perform... (FAQ) MDaemon 12.0.x : How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BE This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.... (FAQ) MDaemon 12.0.x : Moving MDaemon with BES to the same path on a new machine or OS How do I move MDaemon v12.0.x with BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to the same path on a new... (FAQ) MDaemon 12.x - Perform a wireless BlackBerry Enterprise Server activation to an MDaemon accont   How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone Over the Air (OTA) with a BlackBerry Enterprise... (FAQ) MDaemon 13.5 - How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone using a USB cable through WorldClient   How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone using a USB cable through WorldClient with a... (FAQ) MDaemon 13.5.x: How can I prevent duplicate messages when using POP? Users are receiving duplicate messages. How can I stop this? If your users are retrieving their... (FAQ) MDaemon 13.5.x: How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone Over the Air (OTA) with a BlackBerry This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... (FAQ) MDaemon 13.5.x: How do I apply HTML code to my domain signature? From the MDaemon console: Click SetupSelect Server Settings Select Default... (FAQ) MDaemon 13.5.x: What is BlackBerry Mobile Data System - Connection Service (MD What is BlackBerry Mobile Data System - Connection Service (MDS-CS)? MDaemon’s MDS-CS permits... (FAQ) MDaemon 13x: What is the ActiveSync AutoDiscover Service? What is the ActiveSync AutoDiscover Service?   Autodiscover allows users to set up an... (FAQ) MDaemon 9.6x: Why do I always receive an error when sending out read receipts? Here are a few options to help resolve this issue. Option 1: Most mail clients send out read... (FAQ) Silent installation of WorldClient Instant Messenger WorldClient Instant Messenger can be run as a silent install with the '/s' switch. First, on the... (FAQ) The MDaemon domain is listed on a internet blacklist. What do I have to do to get off the blacklist? There are many different reasons for being added to a blacklist.  The most common reason... (FAQ) Too Many Recipients error (452) Users get a '452 - too many recipients' error when sending to more than 100 users.By default,... (FAQ) Unable to send mail from a BlackBerry device using a self-signed certificate in MDaemon Why aren't the emails my users are sending out from their BlackBerry smartphones getting through... (FAQ) Users Receive "5.7.1 550 Unable To Relay" Error When Attempting To Send Mail Suddenly none of our users can send outbound email but nothing was changed in MDaemon. What is... (FAQ) What are strong passwords? Strong passwords, enabled by default in MDaemon 7 and up, require that each new password meet the... (FAQ) What are the Minimum System Requirements for MDaemon? MDaemon System Requirements MDaemon Email Server Minimum System Requirements... (FAQ) What are the recommended Host Screen settings for MDaemon? What entries can I use in MDaemon's Host Screen settings to block spammers or other malicious... (FAQ) What are the suggested DNS Black Lists to use with MDaemon's Spam Blocker? The current default DNS Black list host entry in the latest release of MDaemon is:... (FAQ) What causes mail to end up in the Bad Message Queue? Here is a list of reasons on why a message may end up in this queue. A syntactically... (FAQ) What do the icons next to each user in the Account Manager mean? What do the icons next to each user in the account manager mean? Green Check - Account has... (FAQ) What do the shared folder level permissions mean? The Folder Level permissions for WorldClient folder sharing are defined as:No Access - User(s) do... (FAQ) What does Winsock Error 10061 mean? Winsock error 10061 means that the server you are attempting to connect to is actively refusing... (FAQ) What does Winsock error 10048 mean? Winsock Error 10048 Address already in use means that you have two of the same types of server... (FAQ) What happened to MDaemon 'Ghost?'   In MDaemon 9.5, the following changes were made relating to MDaemon Ghost:   The 'Ghost'... (FAQ) What happened to my AntiVirus Update Schedule? Your AntiVirus Update schedule file (\MDaemon\App\AVUpdate.dat) was renamed to... (FAQ) What is BlackBerry Balance and how does it work in MDaemon? What is BlackBerry Balance and how does it work in MDaemon?   MDaemon supports BlackBerry... (FAQ) What is BlackBerry Mobile Data System - Connection Service (MDS-CS)? MDaemon’s MDS-CS permits behind the firewall access to files and web applications from... (FAQ) What is Greylisting? Greylisting is a new method of blocking spam at the mailserver level, but without resorting to... (FAQ) What is Hashcash MDaemon is now able to generate hashcash stamps. Hashcash is a form of electronic postage... (FAQ) What is SPF? SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an anti-spam approach which compares the Internet domain of an... (FAQ) What is SURBL? (Spam URI Real time Block list)? SURBL differs from most other RBLs in that its used to block... (FAQ) What is Software License Renewal? Software License Renewal assures you of always having access to the most current version of... (FAQ) What is required for MDaemon to consider a message RFC compliant? In order to pass MDaemon's RFC compliance check messages must:Be greater than 32 bytes in size... (FAQ) What is the Winmail.dat attachment? What is the winmail.dat attachment that we receive sometimes and how can I prevent it? A... (FAQ) What is the difference between DomainPOP and MultiPOP? DomainPOP is used if you'd like the host mailbox's contents to be 'parsed' for recipient... (FAQ) What is the purpose of LCK files? My users can't POP mail. The error in the log is 'Maildrop already locked' and there is a .lck... (FAQ) What is the purpose of the Configuration Session? The Configuration session was added in version 9.5 of MDaemon. It replaced the separate 'Ghost'... (FAQ) What port numbers does ActiveSync use? ActiveSync requires WorldClient to use port 80 for non-secure (SSL) HTTP connections, and 443 for... (FAQ) When using the "Send Problem Emails" option, which errors will cause messages to be sent to th   When using the 'Send problem emails to the server specified below' option under Setup |... (FAQ) When was Software License Renewal introduced and in what version? Software License Renewal started with version 4.0 of MDaemon introduced on April 17, 2001.   (FAQ) Where is the Simple theme in WorldClient? Where is the Simple theme in WorldClient? With the release of MDaemon 14, WorldClient's Simple... (FAQ) Where is the Standard theme in WorldClient? If upgrading MDaemon from a version prior to 14.0.0, the Standard theme will still be availble to... (FAQ) Which addresses could be used to browse to the WorldClient log in page? I use WorldClient as my email client, but I don't know what address to use to browse to the site.... (FAQ) Why Does my MDaemon Icon Change Colors? Whenever the MDaemon server is running, its icon will be visible in the system tray. However,... (FAQ) Why am I getting duplicates of my calendar events/tasks/contacts/memos after upgrading to MDaemon BlackBerry Edition? Why am I getting duplicates of my calendar events/tasks/contacts/memos after upgrading to MDaemon... (FAQ) Why am I not getting any more Urgent Update emails about new virus definitions? MDaemon 11 now requires SecurityPlus' Urgent Updates feature to verify the DKIM signature of... (FAQ) Why are emails that I delete from my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled smartphone or Why are emails that I delete from my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled Smartphone or... (FAQ) Why are remote users required to provide authentication when connecting to a server running MD For new installs of MDaemon 12.5 and higher, the IP Shield feature will be enabled by default... (FAQ) Why are there two MDaemon.exe processes in task manager? Special builds of MDaemon that may have been given to you by tech support use a different way for... (FAQ) Why can't I create one public address book for all domains in WorldClient? MDaemon no longer maintains a single address book for all domains. MDaemon keeps address books on... (FAQ) Why do I get error 32 in the MDaemon logs? This error is usually caused by having a ghost session open or by a permissions issue with the... (FAQ) Why do I receive an "Invalid IP for the requested session" when using WorldClient? The “Invalid IP for Requested Session” error is typically caused by the IP address that the... (FAQ) Why do my users get a "No transport provider" error in Outlook?   My Outlook users get the error 'No Transport Provider is available for delivery to this... (FAQ) Why do some contacts not synch when using WorldClient Instant Messenger ? WorldClient Instant Messenger requires an email address be present when synching from another... (FAQ) Why does MDaemon only use half of the SMTP sessions when processing the Retry Queue? MDaemon now defaults to using 1/2 the outbound session threads when sending messages from the... (FAQ) Why is MDaemon crashing on start up after entering my key? MDaemon 6.80 - 6.84 have a conflict with 'easy' mode and Standard keys. You can change this by... (FAQ) Why is MDaemon not honoring a mailing list's security settings? I have a mailing list that is set to read-only, yet some members are still able to post. Why is... (FAQ) Why is MDaemon not honoring a mailing list's security settings? I have a mailing list that is set to read-only, yet some members are still able to post. Why is... (FAQ) Why is MDaemon not signing outgoing messages with DomainKeys (DK)   The original message that will be signed must have arrived at MDaemon via an Authenticated... (FAQ) Why is WorldClient’s auto complete feature not displaying all of my contacts? Why is WorldClient not correctly displaying all private, public, and personal contacts that mail... (FAQ) Why messages sent using a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled account from a BlackBerry Why messages sent using a BES enabled account from a BlackBerry device not shown in the SMTP-(in)... (FAQ) Why won't MDaemon start after moving it to a new machine? MDaemon will not start after moving it to a new machine. This typically happens if MDaemon is... About blocking connections in MDaemon There's no way MDaemon can 'block' connections.  MDaemon has to accept the connection and... Account Access and Control The following section lists the current account access and control commands available to... Account Manager Dialog Account management Account List Above the Account List you will see two statistics regarding... Activate a BES account on a Blackberry device via USB through WorldClient   This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... Activating Your Software Automatically   Use this to activate MDaemon automatically.   1. Open MDaemon 2. Click Help 3. Select... ActiveSync Basic Connection Troubleshooting Every device has a unique error when it can't authenticate or connect with MDaemon's ActiveSync... ActiveSync features by MDaemon versions This article explains MDaemon's ActiveSync server features by the version of MDaemon it was... AddrLdap.exe Is Missing After Upgrading To MDaemon 11 AddrLdap.exe Is Missing After Upgrading To MDaemon 11 Beginning with MDaemon 11,... Alias Options It’s OK to relay mail for aliases that include foreign domainsClick this control if you want... Alt-N Recommended Security, Spam Filter, Anti-Virus, and Outbreak Protection Settings Security configurations may very from server to server and certain servers may need to be... Archiving Use this feature to archive all inbound or outbound messages to a folder. The default location... Auto Responders Menu This lists all available local mailboxes that can host an Auto Responder. Double-click a... Auto Responders in MDaemon Under the Account Editor for each account in MDaemon, the Auto Resp tab allows you to configure... BCC Headers in MDaemon BCC by definition is blind.  The header should never be created by a mail client because... Bayesian Learning Information Bayesian Learning InformationBayesian classification is a mathematical process through which... Bayesian Learning tips and tricks As a spam-fighting tool, Bayesian filtering 'learns' to detect junk mail and legitimate mail by... BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) Attachment Service no longer works after changing the MDaemon mac This article explains how to resolve Attachment Service Not Found error on BES enabled... Blank bodies for an entire folder in WorldClient All the messages in WorldClient in a certain folder have blank bodies. First, look at the... CFEngine.exe will not run on MDaemon 9.x and below CFEngine.exe won't start, typically causing messages to become stuck in the mail queues This... CSV fields that can be used when importing contacts to WorldClient WorldClient can be used to import contacts from a .csv file to a user's account. The following... CTRL + Click isn't working properly in WorldClient's LookOut theme   When using CTRL + Click you can select multiple messages in LookOut theme. If this is not... Calendar items not being sent to server via SyncML on a BlackBerry Smartphone When you use a SyncML client to synchronize your calendar items to the MDaemon server, items on... Can I install SecurityGateway and MDaemon on the same machine? Can I install SecurityGateway and MDaemon on the same machine? It is possible to install... Can RelayFax be Configured to Share a Single Modem with MDaemon? From the RelayFax Server menu bar: Click File.Click MDaemon properties. Check the box for... Can SecurityGateway work in front of MDaemon? Yes it can, as well as in front of Microsoft Exchange, as well as any other SMTP mail server.... Changing the Address Book in WorldClient   You can change the view of your WorldClient address book to search for addresses.... Changing the Primary Domain Name in MDaemon running on Windows 2003 or earlier This article explains the necessary steps for changing the primary domain name in MDaemon running... Changing the default IMAP port This article explains the necessary steps to change MDaemon's IMAP port.  This should not... Configuring MDaemon as a Gateway to RelayFax This article explains how to setup a gateway in MDaemon to be monitored by RelayFax for outgoing... Configuring MDaemon to send mail from a specific IP address On a multiple-NIC machine, you may want to force MDaemon to use a certain IP for outbound... Configuring Outlook 2013 and above to sync a MDaemon account using ActiveSync Starting with Outlook 2013, it is possible to have your MDaemon account to sync to Outlook using... Configuring TCP/IP on MAC OS8 his article describes the necessary steps to configure TCP/IP on MAC OS8.  This is... Configuring Windows Phone 8 to use MDaemon's ActiveSync Server Use this article to configure Windows Phone 8/8.1 devices to sync email, contacts, calendars,... Configuring WorldClient Instant Messenger to check for new mail every x minutes This article describes how to configure WorldClient Instant Messenger to check for new mail every... Configuring WorldClient's Branding feature WorldClient's Branding feature allows Administrators to add custom images to the Login Page and... Configuring the Windows 10 or 8.1 Mail application with MDaemon's ActiveSync server Use this procedure to configure the Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 Mail application with MDaemon's... Creating a new Content Filter rule in MDaemon This dialog is used for creating Content Filter Rules. It is reached by clicking the New Rule... Creating a personal dictionary in WorldClient This article describes creating a personal dictionary in WorldClient for words that will be... Creating accounts in MDaemon This article describes setting up new accounts in MDaemon. From the menu bar: Click... Creating and Using SSL Certificates When using the SSL & TLS dialog to create certificates, MDaemon generates certificates that... Customizing Spam Filter points per Spam Blocker match In some cases, users like to give more weight or importance to specific Spam Blocker hosts over... DNS-BL White List White List   The White List tab lists IP addresses that are exempt from DNS-BL lookups.  All... Daylight Saving Time changes and MDaemon In 2007, the US Daylight Saving Time start and end dates are changing. Your MDaemon server will... Determining how many messages your Bayesian Filter has learned from Determining how many messages your Bayesian Filter has learned fromThis command can be used to... Double clicking WorldClient Instant Messenger icon does not open inbox in default browser If you double-click on the WorldClient Instant Messenger icon in the sytem tray (the area next... Emails in LOCAL QUEUE takes longer time to deliver to user mailboxes If your emails are stuck in local queue, this could simply means some performance issues and that... Enable Public and Shared Folder sync for ActiveSync accounts MDaemon released ActiveSync client support for syncing public folders in MDaemon 13.6.0 and... Enabling and using Spam Trap addresses in MDaemon MDaemon has a feature called Spam Honeypots which are addresses you use to collect spam. Any... Error Code 4 received during installation or activation Error Code 4 is displayed during the installation or activation. As a part of the industry wide... Error Code 4 received during installation or activation Error Code 4 is displayed during the installation or activation. MDaemon Technologies'... Every message that reaches MDaemon is being quarantined Each message, either inbound or outbound, that MDaemon receives is being quarantined.  How can I... Firewall requirements for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) connection to the BlackBerry Infrastruc To establish a connection with the BlackBerry Infrastructure when MDaemon 12 is behind a... Format of Statistics Log file string StartTime ; YYMMDDHHMMSS (hour is in military format) - This is the Start Session... Full window does not display in WorldClient when creating a new Appointment, Task, or Contact   When creating a new appointment, task, or contact, only the top third of the contents of the... Gateway LDAP Address Verification to Exchange MDaemon is widely deployed as an antispam/antivirus gateway to Exchange. To ensure that only... General Email Controls COMMANDS PARMS DESCRIPTIONS HELP none A copy of the... General Email Controls COMMANDS PARMS DESCRIPTIONS HELP none A copy of the... Getting Outlook NetFolders to work with MDaemon If your NetFolders are not working correctly, there is likely a setting that needs to be... HTML messages do not go out from behind a firewall If you have problems sending HTML email out from behind a firewall, check your MTU settings.... Header Translation Enter New Header TranslationExisting header textType the text that you want to be replaced when... How Mailing list mail is different than regular email Incoming 'Mailing List' mail is addressed differently from general Email. Normally 'list' mail... How To Encrypt Email Files in MDaemon MDaemon message files are always plain text format. Since the server is physically not accessible... How To Generate 1024 Bit RSA Key in MDaemon How To Generate 1024 Bit RSA Key in MDaemon MDaemon includes the ability to generate private and... How can I block incoming connections based on geographical location? MDaemon Email versions 17.5 and above now include the ability to block incoming SMTP, IMAP, and... How can I prevent my users from marking spam in WorldClient? Edit the MDaemon\WorldClient\Domains.ini file and add the following:... How do I change the email icon name on my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) activated device? How do I change the email icon name on my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) activated device?In... How do I check for compromised passwords in MDaemon Email? MDaemon Email can check a user's password against a compromised password list, without... How do I configure my Out Of Office Reply on my BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled smartphone? This article explains how to configure an Out Of Office Reply on a BES enabled smartphone.From... How do I enable two-factor authentication for Webmail/Remote Administration? MDaemon Email version 16.0 and above supports two-factor authentication that will require the... How do I install a certificate on MDaemon? Part I - Installing the Root Certificate Generally, your Windows Server should have the QuoVadis... How do I migrate from Microsoft Exchange to MDaemon? MDaemon includes the MDMigrator, a tool that may be used to migrate your users, mailboxes, public... How do I move existing BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) accounts to BlackBerry Enterprise Server (B This article will explain how to move existing BIS integrated accounts to ‘BES enabled’... How do I set a default Policy for a domain or specific account in MDaemon? This article will explain how to set a default Policy for a domain, or set a specific Policy... How do I specify host names and IP addresses that require STARTTLS to receive mail from my server? From the MDaemon console, follow these steps: Click Security on the menu bar. Select... How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in MDaemon? This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon... How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in MDaemon? This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon... How do I wipe a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled smartphone that has been lost?   This article will explain how to wipe a BES enabled device that has been lost or stolen... How to Access the Public Spam-Trap Folder in MDaemon This article explains how to access the MDaemon's Spam Trap public folder, as well as how to... How to Find Restricted Users in MDaemon To view the list of restricted users who are to either Restricted messages FROM outside domains... How to activate or deactivate your ActiveSync registration key Activation:In the MDaemon GUI: Click the Help menu Select Activate your Alt-N Software Click... How to add an inline image when composing a message in WorldClient This article pertains to MDaemon versions 14.5.0 and above.Follow the steps below to embed an... How to add members to a mailing list in MDaemon This article describes the necessary steps to add members to a list in MDaemon. From the... How to allow Outlook Connector users to override pushed settings Outlook Connector versions 4.0.0 and above introduces the ability to push client settings to... How to allow multiple POP3 clients to access an account simultaneously By default, MDaemon prevents multiple POP3 accounts from accessing a single account at the same... How to backup and restore MDaemon This article explains how to backup and restore backed up folders to MDaemon.  Backup... How to backup the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) database How do I backup the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) database?MDaemon can backup the BES... How to blacklist a sender’s address in WorldClient This article explains how to add a sender’s address to your personal blacklist in... How to collect hang dumps to send to Technical Support In some instances, MDaemon Technologies' Support may require hang dumps to troubleshoot... How to configure BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) when WorldClient runs under IIS This article will explain how to configure BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) when WorldClient... How to configure CalDAV in an existing IIS environment that is running WorldClient MDaemon versions 15.5 and above contain support of the CalDAV protocol.  This article will... How to configure Eudora 4.x to work with MDaemon This article describes the necessary steps to configure Eudora 4.x to work with MDaemon. From... How to configure Eudora 5.1 to work with MDaemon This article describes the steps necessary to configure Eudora 5.1 to work with MDaemon. From... How to configure Greylisting in MDaemon Greylisting is one of many tools in MDaemon's arsenal to protect your server from abuse.... How to configure LAN domains in MDaemon This article describes the steps necessary to configure a LAN domain Note: The only situation... How to configure MDaemon to check SPF records This article explains how to configure MDaemon to check SPF records of incoming messages.  1.... How to configure Outlook 2002 and 2003 to use SMTP Authentication This article explains how to configure Outlook 2002 and 2003 to use SMTP Authentication. From... How to configure Outlook 97 to work with MDaemon using POP mail collection This article describes the necessary steps to set up Outlook 97 to work with MDaemon using POP... How to configure SSL features for SMTP, POP, and IMAP for MDaemon How to configure SSL features for SMTP, POP, and IMAP for MDaemonNote: This article will assume... How to consolidate domains and users from multiple MDaemon servers into a single MDaemon server NOTE: Please back all of these files up before making changes to them! Copy the user... How to create Spam filters in WorldClient This article explains how to configure WorldClient so that spam filters may be configured by your... How to create a read-only copy of a calendar in iCal/webdav format MDaemon versions 17.0 and above have the ability to create a read-only copy of a user calendar... How to create an Auto Reponse Script This article describes how to create an auto response script for use in MDaemon. Auto Response... How to create and configure Groups and Templates in MDaemon The Group Manager is used to create Groups and manage which accounts belong to them. Groups have... How to disable WorldClient notifications in Chrome, Firefox, and/or Safari With MDaemon 15.5.0, the WorldClient and LookOut themes will now support desktop notifications.... How to enable ActiveSync debug, XML, and/or WBXML logging by device or account (MDaemon 13.x) To troubleshoot complex ActiveSync issues, XML and/or WBXML files may be requested by Technical... How to enable ActiveSync debug, XML, and/or WBXML logging by device or account (MDaemon 14.x) Follow these instructions to enable debug, XML, and/or WBXML logging for trouble-shooting... How to enable ActiveSync debug, XML, and/or WBXML logging by device or account (MDaemon 16.x) If requested by technical support, please follow these instructions to enable debug, XML,... How to enable CalDAV/CardDAV debug logging and HTTP response logging This article pertains to MDaemon version 15.5 and above.  MDaemon version 15.5.x will not mention... How to enable MDaemon PGP, configure who can use MDPGP, and create keys for specific users Introduced in MDaemon 15.5.0, MDPGP allows MDaemon to perform basic OpenPGP encryption,... How to enable MDaemon's message recall feature and recall submitted messages Beginning with MDaemon 13.6.1, there is a simple message recall system that you can use to... How to enable and configure SSL & TLS for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP in MDaemon Please Note... MDaemon does not handle the generation or installation of third-party SSL... How to enable and setup Dropbox integration in MDaemon and utilize Dropbox features in WorldClient With the release of MDaemon 17.0, administrators can enable Dropbox support which will allow... How to enable folder redirection on your MDaemon BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) activated BlackB This article will explain how to enable folder redirection on your BlackBerry device for... How to enable mail reporting and view reports in Remote Administration Released with version 13.6.0, MDaemon can log statistics information to a SQLite database file.... How to enable two-factor authentication for WorldClient/Remote Administration MDaemon version 16 and above support Two Factor Authentication that will require the user to... How to force mobile devices to use specific WorldClient themes Different mobile devices would benefit from different portable themes that WorldClient offers.... How to import a certificate into WorldClient WorldClient's web server currently does not support generating certificate requests. If you... How to migrate users and data to MDaemon using the MDaemon ActiveSync Migration Client MDaemon includes an ActiveSync protocol based Migration Client. Using Exchange ActiveSync (EAS),... How to perform a server migration to MDaemon using the ActiveSync Migration Client The ActiveSync Migration Client will migrate all data the user has access to via ActiveSync on... How to receive a catalog file from MDaemon The following instructions will assist you in retrieving a catalog file from MDaemon. We... How to rename a non-primary domain in How to rename a non-primary domain in MDaemon This article demonstrates how to rename an non-primary domain name in MDaemon version 16.  The... How to request and generate a free, 90 day SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority that provides free certificates for Transport Layer... How to reset your Contacts and Calendar data on a BlackBerry smartphone with the data stored on the This article will explain how to reset your Contacts and Calendar data on a BlackBerry... How to reset your Contacts and Calendar data on a BlackBerry smartphone with the data stored on the This article will explain how to reset your Contacts and Calendar data on a BlackBerry... How to run WorldClient, SyncML, BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) and ActiveSync Under IIS7 and IIS7.5 This article will explain how to configure WorldClient, SyncML, BlackBerry Internet Service... How to search for a contact in the public address book on your BlackBerry smartphone in MDaemon This article will explain how to search a contact in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES)... How to search inside MSG files on the server With indexing enabled on the Windows server and the application of server plug-in, MDaemon... How to set a fixed amount of memory for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) SQL database to use This article will explain to how set a fixed amount of memory for the BES SQL database to... How to set up an IMAP email account using the Apple iPhone This document explains how to configure an IMAP email account to your MDaemon server using... How to setup secondary domains in MDaemon MDaemon's support for multiple domains is built around the concepts of a 'default' domain and one... How to stop and restart the MDaemon service Some troubleshooting steps require a restart of MDaemon. There are multiple ways to restart... How to stop or capture recall requests sent from Outlook to an MDaemon mailing list Outlook contains an Exchange Server-specific feature where users can attempt to 'recall' a sent... How to store mailbox passwords using non-reversible encryption MDaemon versions 17.0 and above have the ability to store user passwords using non-reversible... How to sync calendars and tasks to an iOS device using CalDAV MDaemon versions 15.5 and above contain support of the CalDAV protocol.  This allows iOS... How to sync calendars and tasks using CalDAV Sync for Android devices This article pertains to MDaemon version 15.5 and above. CalDAV Sync for Android can be... How to sync calendars and tasks using eM Client via CalDAV With MDaemon version 15.5.0, it is now possible to sync MDaemon calendars and tasks with eM... How to sync calendars and tasks with OS X Calendar application via CalDAV MDaemon versions 15.5 and above will allow calendars to sync with the Apple's Calendar... How to sync calendars to BlackBerry OS10 devices via CalDav MDaemon versions 15.5 and above contain support of the CalDAV protocol.  This allows all... How to sync calendars to BlackBerry PlayBook via CalDav CalDAV connections are now supported with the release of MDaemon 15.5.0.  This allows all... How to sync calendars, contacts, and tasks using eM Client via CalDav/CardDav MDaemon versions 16.0.0 and above include CardDav and CalDav servers.  The eM client is an... How to sync contacts to BlackBerry OS10 devices via CardDAV MDaemon versions 16.0.0 and above include both CalDav and CardDav servers.  Blackberry... How to sync contacts to Mac OSX Contacts application via CardDAV MDaemon 16.0 and above will allow contacts to sync with the Apple's Contacts application in OS X.... How to sync contacts to Mozilla Thunderbird via CardDav MDaemon versions 16.0.0 and above support CardDAV.  This will allow personal, public,... How to sync contacts to an Android device via CardDAV MDaemon versions 16.0 and above support of the CardDAV protocol.  CardDAV Sync for Android... How to sync contacts to iOS devices via CardDAV MDaemon version 16.0 and above contain support the CardDAV protocol.  iOS natively... How to tag emails in MDaemon Using MDaemon's content filter, it's possible to prepend a tag or line of text to a header.  One... How to tell the BlackBerry Smartphone which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it should be using This article explains how to tell the BlackBerry which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it should... How to uninstall the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 This article explains how to uninstall the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and... How to use Windows permissions to restrict access to the MDaemon user directory This guide will show you how to edit Permissions on the \MDaemon\Users folder. This would... How to use the Internet Free/Busy feature in Outlook 2003 Internet Free/Busy (IFB) is a feature in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 that allows you to see... How to whitelist a sender's address Mail from a particular sender is being marked as spam, and deleted or moved to the Spam Trap... IIS will not start when using WorldClient on port 80   On a machine with multiple IP address and WorldClient running on port 80, IIS will not start.... IP Cache Caching OptionsAutomatically cache uncached domainsThis switch governs MDaemon’s internal... If your email is hosted off-site, you may not receive Urgent Updates for MDaemon AntiVirus If you are not hosting email for your own domain, you may not receive antivirus Urgent Updates... Importing Accounts From a Text File MDaemon has a built in tool to import accounts from a text file.  This is a simple method for... Importing accounts from a csv file to MDaemon's account database This is a simple method for importing and automatically generating mail accounts in MDaemon.... Improved Error Manangement - Holding Queue MDaemon now has a new queue - the 'holding' queue. The purpose of this queue is to receive any... Input or destination file could not be accessed or processed On the message router screen I get an error: ''Input or destination file could not be accessed or... Installing the Funambol SyncML client on a BlackBerry smartphone This article explains how to install and configure your MDaemon account to synchronize your... Invalid key with MDaemon AntiVirus This could be due to one of two things.   The system date of your PC was altered or it was... Issues with Mailing Lists utilizing an Access database   When using a mailing list that queries its members from an Access database, the 'Test query'... Let's Encrypt Using Let's Encrypt to Manage Your Certificate To support SSL/TLS and HTTPS for MDaemon,... Logging Options Log OptionsCreate 'all' log   Enable this option if you want MDaemon to create the -all.log... Logging Options - Event Log Event Log Log important events to the Windows Event Log When this option is enabled MDaemon... MD3Conv.exe command line switches MD3Conv.exe command line switchesThis program updates all of the files necessary to be used with... MDAV shows that the plug-in is not installed MDaemon's AntiVirus dialog reports that a key is detected for the AntiVirus engine but there is... MDaemon 11.x - Configuring WorldClient on IIS6 The following instructions will assist you in configuring WorldClient to run on IIS6. Open the... MDaemon 12.0.x - Force old messages to arrive to a BES device during activation after a device wipe This article explains how you can enable email message pre-population for all BES enabled... MDaemon 12.0.x - How to wipe a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled smartphone that has been lost or stolen This article will explain how to wipe a BES enabled device that has been lost or stolen Note:... MDaemon 12.0.x - Moving MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server to the same path on a new machine The following directions will help you move MDaemon v12.0.x with BES without losing... MDaemon 12.0.x - Perform a wired BlackBerry Enterprise Server activation to an MDaemon account This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 12.0.x - Using policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in MDaemon This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.... MDaemon 12.0.x : How do I set a default Policy for a domain or specific account in MDaemon?   This article will explain how to set a default Policy for a domain, or set a specific Policy... MDaemon 12.0.x : How to backup the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) database This article explains how to back up the BES database in MDaemon. MDaemon can backup the BES... MDaemon 12.0.x : How to configure SSL features for SMTP, POP, and IMAP for MDaemon This article will explain how to configure SSL features for SMTP, POP, and IMAP within MDaemon.... MDaemon 12.0.x : How to restore the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) database from a backup This article explains how to restore the BES database from a backup. In order to restore the... MDaemon 12.0.x : How to tell if a BlackBerry Smartphone is using Push for email or not To do this, open the MDaemon console and use the following steps: Click Setup from the menu... MDaemon 12.0.x : Retaining copies of mail sent and received   This article describes how to create an archive copy of all inbound and outbound mail.... MDaemon 12.0.x : Routing Outgoing Messages To a Smart Host This article explains how to set up MDaemon to route outgoing messages to a specific smart host... MDaemon 12.0.x: How to enable ActiveSync on your MDaemon server WARNING : The first synchronization with the ActiveSync server will be a one-way sync from the... MDaemon 12.5.x - Moving MDaemon with Blackberry Enterprise Server to the same path on a new server The following directions will help you move MDaemon with BES without losing configurations or... MDaemon 12.x - How to enable ActiveSync on your MDaemon server This article will explain how to enable ActiveSync on MDaemon 12. Please ensure you have a... MDaemon 12.x : How to run MDSpamD on a separate machine This article explains the steps required to run MDaemon's MDSpamD on a separate machine. ... MDaemon 13.0 - Turning on an auto responder via email How to enable and/or disable auto responders through email commands using MDaemon version... MDaemon 13.0.x - Activate a BES account on a Blackberry device via USB through WorldClient This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 13.0.x - Detecting and stopping hijacked accounts Detecting and stopping hijacked accounts requires MDaemon Pro.  Dynamic Screening has been... MDaemon 13.0.x - Moving MDaemon to a new machine or OS using the same directory path The following directions will help you move MDaemon v13.0.x (without BlackBerry Enterprise... MDaemon 13.5.x - Detecting and stopping hijacked accounts Detecting and stopping hijacked accounts requires MDaemon Pro.  Dynamic Screening has been... MDaemon 13.5.x - Force old messages to arrive to a BES device during activation after a device wipe This article explains how you can enable email message pre-population for all BES enabled... MDaemon 13.5.x - How to wipe a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled smartphone that has been lost or stolen This article will explain how to wipe a BES enabled device that has been lost or stolen Note:... MDaemon 13.5.x : How do I set a default Policy for a domain or specific account in MDaemon? This article will explain how to set a default Policy for a domain, or set a specific Policy... MDaemon 13.5.x : How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.... MDaemon 13.5.x : How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.... MDaemon 13.5.x : How to tell the BlackBerry Smartphone which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it sho This article explains how to tell the BlackBerry which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it should... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring Attachment Linking for outbound messages   MDaemon now supports attachment linking for outbound messages. In the past this feature was... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring Email Templates within WorldClient WorldClient's LookOut theme now supports email templates. This feature allows users to... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring IMAP 'Compress' and 'Binary' support Use this to configure IMAP Compress and Binary support (Requires MDaemon Pro). MDaemon's IMAP... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring Simple Message Ticketing System Use this to configure simple message ticketing system. Simple message ticketing system... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring Windows 8 Mail and Surface Tablet to use MDaemon ActiveSync Server   Use this article to configure Windows 8 Mail and MDaemon's ActiveSync server. The initial... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring colorized log sessions he UI tabs which display Routing, SMTP-in, SMTP-out, IMAP, POP, MultiPOP, and DomainPOP... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring performance monitors to monitor MDaemon in real time Performance counters have been implemented to allow monitoring software to track MDaemon's... MDaemon 13.5.x: Configuring user's passwords to expire after X amount of days User's passwords can be configured to expire after X amount of days. Administrators also have... MDaemon 13.5.x: Forgetting an ActiveSync configured device automatically and/or manually MDaemon's ActiveSync server can be configured to forget/discard any previous configuration... MDaemon 13.5.x: How do I give users permission to access Public Folders? MDaemon 13.5.x: How do I give users permission to access Public Folders? This article explains... MDaemon 13.5.x: How do I limit the amount of messages that an account can send in a single day? How do I limit the amount of messages that an account can send in a single day?The 'Maximum... MDaemon 13.5.x: How to enable ActiveSync on your MDaemon server This article will explain how to enable ActiveSync on your MDaemon server. Note: MDaemon 12.5.0... MDaemon 13.5.x: How to restore the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) database from a backup his article explains how to restore the BES database from a backup. In order to restore the BES... MDaemon 13.5.x: How to tell if a BlackBerry Smartphone is using Push for email or not How to check a BlackBerry configuration to see if it is using Push for email.From the MDaemon... MDaemon 13.5.x: How to tell the BlackBerry Smartphone which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it shou This article explains how to tell the BlackBerry which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it should... MDaemon 13.5.x: Integrated ActiveSync accounts menu MDaemon's GUI can display a lot of data related to a device that's connected via ActiveSync.... MDaemon 13.5.x: MDaemon's ActiveSync Server Policy Support   The MDaemon ActiveSync server now supports ActiveSync protocol versions 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1.... MDaemon 13.5.x: Option for Binding WorldClient to Additional IP Addresses and Ports This article will help you configure your MDaemon server to set WorldClient to bind to additional... MDaemon 13.5.x: Retaining copies of mail sent and received his article describes how to create an archive copy of all inbound and outbound mail. To... MDaemon 13.5.x: Routing Outgoing Messages To a Smart Host From the MDaemon console: Click SetupSelect Server... MDaemon 13.5.x: Setting up MDaemon to dequeue your ISP or Gateway with ETRN or ATRN This article explains how to dequeue your mail provider using ETRN or ATRN to receive email.... MDaemon 13.5.x: Skip SMTP max message size check if SMTP Authentication is used Use this to skip SMTP max message size checking if SMTP Authentication has been used.  This... MDaemon 13.5.x: Why are remote users required to provide authentication when connecting? Why do remote users have to provide authentication when sending email after I upgraded to MDaemon... MDaemon 13.6 - How to enable and configure DomainPOP Listed below are the steps to enable DomainPOP and a brief description of the various DomainPOP... MDaemon 13.6 and above - Why is WorldClient’s auto-complete feature not displaying all of my contacts? This solution provides steps to properly display email contacts that mail has been sent... MDaemon 13.6.x - Moving MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server to a different path or machine How do I move MDaemon v13.6.x with BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to a different path or... MDaemon 13.6: Configuring Hijack detection logging in Windows Event log MDaemon can be configured to log an entry to the Windows Event log if an account gets frozen by... MDaemon 13.6: Configuring SMTP Authentication on the MDaemon server and client MDaemon can be configured to force SMTP Authentication when a sender claims to be a local user.... MDaemon 13.6: Enabling MDaemon's ActiveSync server to sync Public Folders MDaemon's ActiveSync server now supports syncing Public Folders. This feature requires MDaemon... MDaemon 13.6: How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone Over the Air (OTA) with a BlackBerry Enterpr This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 13.6: How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone Over the Air (OTA) with a BlackBerry Enterpr This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 13.6: How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone Over the Air (OTA) with a BlackBerry Enterprises This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 13.6: How to blacklist a sender’s address in WorldClient This article explains how to add a sender’s address to your personal blacklist in WorldClient... MDaemon 13.6: Resetting all ActiveSync device usage stats for all users A new setting was added which will let an Administrator select a day of the month when MDaemon... MDaemon 13.6: SecurityPlus Installation Guide SecurityPlus for MDaemon provides the next generation of antivirus and spam protection for the... MDaemon 13.6: Setting an ActiveSync restriction for specified devices   MDaemon's ActiveSync server supports ActiveSync versions 2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1. In some... MDaemon 13.6: View MDaemon ActiveSync Sessions with the release of MDaemon 13.6, we've added an ActiveSync sessions window to the Sessions... MDaemon 13.6: WorldClient shortcut key layout Use this KBA to view the default LookOut theme shortcut key layout. See additional comment... MDaemon 13.x - Configuring DKIM signing in MDaemon DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an open protocol for protecting email users against email... MDaemon 13.x - Perform a wireless BlackBerry Enterprise Server activation to an MDaemon account This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 13.x : How do I set a default Policy for a domain or specific account in MDaemon? This article will explain how to set a default Policy for a domain, or set a specific Policy... MDaemon 13.x : How do I view, update or create Policies for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) in MD This article will explain how to view, update or create Policies within the MDaemon console.... MDaemon 13.x : How to restore the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) database from a backup This article explains how to restore the BES database from a backup.In order to restore the BES... MDaemon 13.x : How to tell if a BlackBerry Smartphone is using Push for email or not How to tell if a BlackBerry Smartphone is using Push for email or not To do this, open the... MDaemon 13.x : How to tell the BlackBerry Smartphone which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it shoul This article explains how to tell the BlackBerry which Sent Items/Deleted Items folders it should... MDaemon 13.x : Retaining copies of mail sent and received This article describes how to create an archive copy of all inbound and outbound mail. From the... MDaemon 13.x : Routing Outgoing Messages To a Smart Host This article explains how to set up MDaemon to route outgoing messages to a specific smart host... MDaemon 13.x: AutoDiscover with a self signed certificate on Windows Mobile Devices This KBA explains how to install a self signed certificate on the Windows Mobile device. The... MDaemon 13.x: Configuring MDaemon ActiveSync on a BlackBerry X10 or Z10   BlackBerry X10 and Z10 devices are not able to connect with MDaemon's BlackBerry Enterprise... MDaemon 13.x: How to enable ActiveSync on your MDaemon server This article will explain how to enable ActiveSync on your MDaemon server.Note: MDaemon 12.5.0 or... MDaemon 13.x: Option for Binding WorldClient to Additional IP Addresses and Ports This article will help you configure your MDaemon server to set WorldClient to bind to additional... MDaemon 13x or higher: MDaemon update notification not working   MDaemon 13x or higher: MDaemon update notification not working   MDaemon 13x and newer uses... MDaemon 13x: Adding multiple attachments to a new message in the LookOut theme at once WorldClient's LookOut theme has the ability to allow users to select multiple attachments for... MDaemon 13x: Configuring IMAP 'Compress' and 'Binary' support Use this to configure IMAP Compress and Binary support (Requires MDaemon Pro).MDaemon's IMAP... MDaemon 13x: Configuring Simple Message Ticketing System Use this to configure simple message ticketing system. Simple message ticketing system... MDaemon 13x: Dragging and dropping attachments to WorldClient's LookOut theme WorldClient's LookOut theme has the ability to allow users to drag and drop attachments in the... MDaemon 13x: Setting up secondary domains in MDaemon MDaemon's support for multiple domains is built around the concepts of a 'default' domain and... MDaemon 13x: Skip SMTP max message size check if SMTP Authentication is used Use this to skip SMTP max message size checking if SMTP Authentication has been used.  This... MDaemon 13x: Updating SecurityPlus through the MDaemon GUI Use this to update your SecurityPlus software through the MDaemon GUI Select Help Select... MDaemon 14.0 and above - How to activate MDaemon connecting through proxy server There are numerous ways to activate MDaemon behind a proxy server.  Using a proxy client,... MDaemon 14.0.x - Activate a BES account on a Blackberry device via USB through WorldClient This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 14.0.x - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using the same directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 14.x to a new server or... MDaemon 14.0.x - Moving MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server to a different path or machine How do I move MDaemon v14.0.x with BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to a different path or... MDaemon 14.5.x - Activate a BES account on a Blackberry device via USB through WorldClient This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 14.5.x - Configuring SMTP Authentication on the MDaemon server and Outlook mail client MDaemon can be configured to force SMTP Authentication when a sender claims to be a local user.... MDaemon 14.5.x - Enable Hijack Detection to prevent hijacked (compromised) MDaemon accounts Hijack detection enables an MDaemon adminstrator the ability to configure a set number of... MDaemon 14.5.x - How to activate MDaemon connecting through proxy server There are numerous ways to activate MDaemon behind a proxy server.  Using a proxy client,... MDaemon 14.5.x - How to add an inline image to a Domain Signature in Remote Administration Use this article to attach an image to a domain signature using Remote Administration (formally... MDaemon 14.5.x - How to enable DKIM signing and configure records DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an open protocol for protecting email users against email... MDaemon 14.5.x - How to enable DMARC and configure records DMARC defines a scalable mechanism by which a mail sending organization can express, using the... MDaemon 14.5.x - How to enable DMARC and configure records MDaemon 14.5.x - How to send/receive encrypted mail in WorldClient using RPost MDaemon 14.5.0 includes an ability to submit encrypted mail using a third-party service called... MDaemon 14.5.x - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using a different directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 14.x to a new server or... MDaemon 14.5.x - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using the same directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 14.x to a new server or... MDaemon 14.5.x - Moving MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server to a different path or machine How do I move MDaemon v 14.5.x with BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to a different path or... MDaemon 14.5.x - Protecting MDaemon from relaying mail using the IP Shield The steps below will configure MDaemon verify the domain name give in the incoming SMTP MAIL... MDaemon 14.5.x - Setting an ActiveSync restriction for specified devices MDaemon's ActiveSync server supports ActiveSync versions 2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1. In some... MDaemon 14.5.x - Using Dynamic Screening to monitor and respond to SMTP, POP, IMAP, and WorldClient Using the Dynamic Screening features, MDaemon can track the behavior of sending servers to... MDaemon 14.5.x : Enabling MDaemon's ActiveSync server to sync Public Folders MDaemon's ActiveSync server now supports syncing Public Folders. This feature requires MDaemon... MDaemon 14.x - Enable Hijack Detection to prevent hijacked (compromised) MDaemon accounts Hijack detection enables an MDaemon adminstrator the ability to configure a set number of... MDaemon 14.x - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using a different directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 14.x to a new server or... MDaemon 14.x : Enabling MDaemon's ActiveSync server to sync Public Folders MDaemon's ActiveSync server now supports syncing Public Folders. This feature requires MDaemon... MDaemon 14.x : How do I activate a BlackBerry Smartphone Over the Air (OTA) with a BlackBerry Enterp This article will explain how to 'BES enable' an MDaemon account and activate the BlackBerry... MDaemon 14.x : Setting an ActiveSync restriction for specified devices MDaemon's ActiveSync server supports ActiveSync versions 2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1. In some... MDaemon 14.x: How to whitelist a sender's address Mail from a particular sender is being marked as spam, and deleted or moved to the Spam Trap... MDaemon 15.0.x - Enabling MDaemon's ActiveSync server to sync Public Folders MDaemon's ActiveSync server now supports syncing Public Folders. This feature requires MDaemon... MDaemon 15.0.x - How to enable DKIM signing and configure records DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an open protocol for protecting email users against email... MDaemon 15.0.x - How to enable DMARC and configure records DMARC defines a scalable mechanism by which a mail sending organization can express, using the... MDaemon 15.0.x - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using a different directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 15.x to a new server or... MDaemon 15.0.x - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using the same directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 14.x to a new server or... MDaemon 15.0.x - Moving MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server to a different path or machine This article will provide details on how to move MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server... MDaemon 15.0.x - Protecting MDaemon from relaying mail using the IP Shield The steps below will configure MDaemon verify the domain name give in the incoming SMTP MAIL... MDaemon 15.0.x - Setting an ActiveSync restriction for specified devices MDaemon's ActiveSync server supports ActiveSync versions 2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1. In some... MDaemon 15.0.x - Using Dynamic Screening to monitor and respond to SMTP, POP, and IMAP Using the Dynamic Screening features, MDaemon can track the behavior of sending servers to... MDaemon 15.5 and above - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using a different directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 15.5 and above versions to a... MDaemon 15.5 and above - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using the same directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 15.5 and above versions to a... MDaemon 15.5.x - Configuring SMTP Authentication on the MDaemon server and Outlook mail client MDaemon can be configured to force SMTP Authentication when a sender claims to be a local user.... MDaemon 15.5.x - Enable Hijack Detection to prevent hijacked (compromised) MDaemon accounts Hijack detection enables an MDaemon administrator the ability to configure a set number of... MDaemon 15.5.x - How to enable DKIM signing and configure records DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an open protocol for protecting email users against email... MDaemon 15.5.x - How to include an inline image into an individual signature using WorldClient In MDaemon 15.5.0, users can now upload an image to their default signature.  This is done... MDaemon 15.5.x - Protecting MDaemon from relaying mail using the IP Shield The steps below will configure MDaemon verify the domain name give in the incoming SMTP MAIL... MDaemon 15.5.x - Setup the Do Not Disturb feature to prevent account access during a specific time MDaemon version 15.5.0 introduced a new feature called Do Not Disturb.  This feature will... MDaemon 17.0 - XMPP Instant Messaging Server for MDaemon MDaemon 17.0 includes support for the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).  This... MDaemon 17.x - Enable Hijack Detection to prevent hijacked (compromised) MDaemon accounts Hijack detection enables an MDaemon administrator the ability to configure a set number of... MDaemon 17.x - Protecting MDaemon from relaying mail using the IP Shield The steps below will configure MDaemon verify the domain name give in the incoming SMTP MAIL... MDaemon 17.x and above - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using a different directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 15.5 and above versions to... MDaemon 17.x and above - Moving MDaemon to a new server or OS using the same directory path The following article will provide instructions on moving MDaemon 15.5 and above versions to... MDaemon 17: How to create spam filters in WorldClient There are two methods to set up WorldClient to filter spam messages to a certain folder: one... MDaemon 64-bit - Running WorldClient, ActiveSync, BIS, and SyncML under IIS8 in Windows 2012 The following procedure will show you how to setup WorldClient, ActiveSync, BIS, and/or SyncML... MDaemon 64-bit - versions 15.5 and above - Run WorldClient, ActiveSync, BIS, and SyncML under IIS 8 in Windows 2012 The following procedure will show you how to setup WorldClient, ActiveSync, BIS, and/or SyncML... MDaemon AntiVirus errors out on each message MDaemon AntiVirus is giving an error on each message it processes.  How can I stop this... MDaemon AntiVirus updates are no longer working properly MDaemon AntiVirus updates are giving an error message.  The error is on the file avp.set file.... MDaemon Clustering - Deployment requirements and how to configure nodes MDaemon's Cluster Service is designed to share your configuration between two or more MDaemon... MDaemon Installation Guide     MDaemon Mail ServerInstallation and Configuration Guide         (This document relates... MDaemon Messaging Server Archiving Options Compared Our standard recommendation for anyone who wants a true email archiving solution is MailStore... MDaemon Pre-Installation Information   The following instructions describe what you need to know and have before installing MDaemon... MDaemon Semaphore file descriptions MDaemon responds to numerous semaphore files that can be used for a variety of useful purposes.... MDaemon and WinGate on the same machine with a dedicated connection to the Internet MDaemon and WinGate can run on the same machine with little conflict. Below are the steps... MDaemon message file names The message file names (the names on disk) in MDaemon use a system that consists of 3 parts. A... MDaemon reports "POP server too busy" If one of MDaemon's editor windows is left open, (Primary Domain, Account editor, etc...) MDaemon... MDaemon spam trap filter folder A new option for dealing with spam was added in MDaemon 7.2. You can now elect to have spam... MDaemon with BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) requires that the SQL Server Browser be started in o This article will provide basic information on what services are required to start the BES... MDaemon won't start (or crashes) when Windows 2003 SP1 or Windows XP SP2 is installed. You are using a version of MDaemon prior to 10.0.0.Microsoft's Service Pack 1 (SP1) for... MDaemon's GUI is using abnormally large fonts   MDaemon is using an abnormally large font for its display and/or logs. The Windows display... MDaemon's Spam Filter processes messages slowly due to "DNS Available" configuration MDaemon's spam filter is processing messages really slowly.The Is DNS Service available? option... MDaemon's WorldClient Username Enumeration Vulnerability The Free/Busy server included with WorldClient can be used to determine if an email address is... MDaemon's user interface on Windows Vista MDaemon's UI on Windows Vista operates differently than on other versions of Windows. Under... MDaemon: How to enter your MDaemon registration key How do I enter my new MDaemon registration key? To enter your registration key from within... MDaemon: How to setup the ActiveSync AutoDiscovery Service MDaemon's ActiveSync server now supports AutoDiscovery which significantly simplifies the... MDaemon: Running WorldClient under IIS7.5 on Windows 2008 This article will provide basic information on how to run WorldClient under IIS7.5 on Windows... MDeamon: How to create space and move mailboxes and remove logs Maintenance Maximum log file size [xx] KB This is the maximum size in kilobytes that a log... Mailing List - Notifications Notification OptionsSend a message toThis control lists an address that will be notified when the... Mailing List and Catalog Control None of these commands require an account on the server; thus the subject line need not contain... Mailing Lists - Support files New Member Welcome FileIf specified, the file listed here will be processed and mailed to all... Mark email as spam from within WorldClient You can edit the WorldClient templates so that users can mark mail as spam for the bayesian... Message Priority Values in MDaemon MDaemon uses a number system when creating or processing messages to determine message processing... Message Pruning Command Line ################################## MDaemon Technologies LTD. AccountPrune Version Message Router Display MDaemon’s Message Router automatically appears at the program startup and gives you important... Microsoft SQL Server 2005 installation fails on Windows XP SP3 when MSXML 6 SP2 is installed. MDaemon 12 will fail to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 portion when installing the... Migrating from Microsoft Exchange to MDaemon MDaemon ships with MDMigrator, a tool that may be used to migrate your users, mailboxes, public... New Account Defaults Default Account Settings MailboxUse this field to specify a default Mailbox name template for... Obtaining Hang Dumps to send to Technical Support In some instances, MDaemon Technologies' Support may require hang dumps to troubleshoot... Obtaining Memory Leak logs to send to Technical Support If MDaemon or its related services are leaking memory, it is helpful to send debug logs to... Option for Binding WorldClient to Additional IP Addresses and Ports This article will help you configure your MDaemon server to set WorldClient to bind to additional... Outlook Connector shows "on behalf of" in the From Header on messages from an MDaemon mailing list. When an Outlook Connector user receives a message from an MDaemon mailing list, the 'From' line... Over The Air (OTA) activations with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) enabled MDaemon account are This article explains how to identify and troubleshoot issues with Over The Air (OTA)... POP Check Dialog POP CheckPerform a POP check before sending waiting mailClick this checkbox if you are required... Perform a DNS Lookup Dialog Host InformationEnter the domain name whose DNS information you wish to retrieve.'A' Record... Prevent POP3 clients from re-downloading mail after server migration Using RoboCopy, this article details copying the users folder from one drive to another without... Prevent Summary Page from Displaying When Logging Into WorldClient This article describes how to prevent the Summary page from displaying when logging into... Private White Lists for MDaemon's Spam Filter MDaemon 7 and above includes support for Private White Lists. This can be helpful for situations... Problems sending attachments through MDaemon Users receive winmail.dat attachments on emails from MDaemon. When mail containing a file... Public & Shared Folders   MDaemon supports shared Public and User IMAP folders. Public folders (managed from the Public... Push IMAP vs. IDLE IDLE is pure push-email. The IMAP server notifies the IMAP client when new messages arrive in... RASMAN.DLL failed to load This can happen if you have uninstalled RAS. The official way to detect whether RAS is installed... Recovering your MDaemon and WorldClient password   Recovering your MDaemon and WorldClient password... Retaining copies of mail sent and received   This article describes how to create an archive copy of all inbound and outbound mail.... Retry Configuration dialog Retry FrequencyKeep message in the primary queue for at least xx minutesThis setting governs... Routing Outgoing Messages To a Smart Host This article explains how to set up MDaemon to route outgoing messages to a specific smart host... Run WorldClient under Apache web server The below instructions will allow you to run WorldClient on Apache. Note: The setup of... Running MDaemon behind Microsoft Proxy Server Follow the below instructions to set MDaemon up to run behind Microsoft Proxy Server. To run... SAM/Active Directory account importer DomainsPDC/BDC Machine nameThis field allows you to specify the machine name from which MDaemon... SMTP sessions hang at "transfer complete" Outbound sessions hang at 'Transfer complete.' If your MDaemon is not able to send outbound... SSL & TLS Finally, you can also dedicate specific ports for SSL connections. This isn't required but can... SSL & TLS - Remote Administration MDaemon's built-in web server supports the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. SSL is the... SSL & TLS - MDaemon Enable SSL, STARTTLS, and STLSClick this check box to activate support for the SSL/TLS protocol... SSL & TLS - Webmail MDaemon's built-in web server supports the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. SSL is the... SecurityPlus for MDaemon Inline Virus Scanning MDaemon can now scan incoming messages for viruses during the actual SMTP session. A new switch... Send & Receive Mail Name: Select the schedule name you wish to edit. New Click this button to create a new... Sending a message to all users logged in to WorldClient To send a message to all users currently logged in to WorldClient, follow the procedure below.... Sending mail for specific domains out through specific outbound servers Some domains will not accept mail from dynamic IP addresses or your MDaemon server may not be... Sending mail to AOL on a dynamic IP or dialup AOL does not accept inbound SMTP traffic from dialup accounts or dynamically assigned IP... Setting up BlackBerry devices to connect to MDaemon's SyncML service via the SyncJe client This article will explain configuring a BlackBerry device to connect to MDaemon's SyncML... Setting up Symbian phones to connect to MDaemon's SyncML service This article will explain configuring a Symbian OS phone to connect to MDaemon's SyncML... Setting up Windows Mobile devices to connect to MDaemon's SyncML service via the Synthesis client This article will explain configuring a Windows Mobile device to connect to MDaemon's SyncML... Showing all accounts in the Account Picker pull-down menu   When selecting accounts from the account picker, not all accounts are showing up. How can I... Since updating to Internet Explorer 7, WorldClient Instant Messenger can't connect. How can I fix this? In IE7, go to: Tools | Internet Options | Advanced.  In the Security section, uncheck the option... Slow transfer rates from client machines to MDaemon with certain email clients Customers have reported that by changing the driver settings to Optimize for throughput on an... SpamAssassin.DLL could not be loaded SpamAssassin.DLL could not be loaded displays in the MDaemon log file. Please try registering... Training the bayesian learning process in MDaemon Pro Purpose & ScopeAs a spam-fighting tool, Bayesian filtering ”learns” to detect junk mail and... Trusting self signed certificate on a client machine Some clients require a trusted certificate in order for the client to make a connection to... Unable to process from lines (envelope), change recognition modes   When using DomainPOP or MultiPOP to retrieve mail, an error displays: 'Unable to process from... Unable to send email from BlackBerry when using SSL on the MDaemon server If you have integrated your MDaemon account with a BlackBerry smartphone using the MDaemon BIS... Unique IP address assigned to MDaemon/WorldClient may increase performance In some cases, assigning a unique IP address to your MDaemon server (rather than keeping a shared... Upgrading MDaemon from within the Console This article explains how to upgrade an existing version of MDaemon to the current release of the... Upgrading to 64-bit versions of MDaemon and/or SecurityPlus How can I upgrade from the 32-bit versions of MDaemon/SecurityPlus to the 64-bit versions?... Upgrading to a newer version of MDaemon   This article explains how to upgrade an existing version of MDaemon to a newer version of the... Use Folder and Groups to Manage User Category and Assign Rights and Permissions and Quotas Mail Folder & Groups   Mail Folder Enter the folder where... Userlist file format The userlist.dat is in the following format (the numbers represent the amount of characters each... Using Active Directory to create/update MDaemon accounts and/or public address book(s) Using Active Directory to create/update MDaemon accounts and/or public address book(s)... Using DirReorg to Move Mailboxes to Different Drive Results in Error   When attempting to move user mailboxes to a different hard drive on the same machine using the... Using DirReorg to reorganize your MDaemon user folders This program will move all the users' mailboxes from their current location to the path... Using a catalog to send the contents of an entire directory Catalogs can send a group of files to users upon their request without manual intervention.  It... Using one MDaemon MDSpamD for several MDaemons If you have multiple MDaemons on one network, it may be more efficient to have one MDSpamD... Using the MDaemon Heath Check feature to analyze and/or make changes to current security configurations MDaemon version 17 introduced a trouble shooting tool called the MDaemon Health Check. This tool... Using the Telnet client to open a SMTP session and/or send a message This is normally used for troubleshooting issues with clients connecting to servers.  The... Verifying that your domain is set up with Alt-N's certification service At this time, there is no email confirmation after your domain has been added to Alt-N's... Vulnerability in BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) components that process images There is a vulnerability in the image processing components of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server... What are the recommended Security, Dynamic Screening, Spam Filter, and AntiVirus Settings in MDaemon? The following are general recommendations for configuring MDaemon's security, spam, and antivirus... What do I do with a virus that is not being detected by SecurityPlus for MDaemon? If you have made sure that your virus definitions are updated and SecurityPlus is still not... What does the Error Code 4 that I got during MDaemon installation or activation mean? The Error Code 4 is displayed during the installation or activation. MDaemon Technologies'... What is the difference between POP and IMAP? I see both of them as an option in my email client, but what do they do? Both the POP3 and IMAP... What ports need to be open for MDaemon to communicate through a firewall? This article will list the default ports MDaemon will be listening to.  These ports will need to... What services and ports do the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) components use? What services and ports do the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) components use?This article... What version of MDaemon does the Outlook Connector require? The Outlook Connector requires MDaemon Pro 9.x or higher.   What version of MDaemon is required to work with SecurityGateway? Any version of MDaemon will work with SecurityGateway, as SecurityGateway uses standard SMTP... When MDaemon is connected to the Internet, local machines cannot connect to MDaemon When a dialup session is established, machines on the local network can no longer connect to... Where can I download the old version of MDaemon ? Here is you can download all the versions; Who is my MDaemon server System Administrator? ho is my MDaemon server System Administrator? Unfortunately, we are not aware of who your... Why am I receiving an error about refusing NULL return paths? Messages from our MDaemon server are sometimes rejected by other servers with a response like... Why is MDaemon not processing mail? MDaemon is no longer delivering in or outbound mail to the appropriate destination. How can... Winsock Error Descriptions WSABASEERR (1000) No ErrorNo Error. There's at least one WinSock implementation that will... WorldClient and Cisco PIX firewall conflict There may be a conflict between older versions of WorldClient and Cisco PIX firewalls. ... WorldClient template page descriptions The following is a list, and a brief description, of all the Views that should be considered for... WorldClient will not open when running via IIS WorldClient will not open when running under IIS. The user experience is a ‘download file’... WorldClient's Spell Check does not work after Upgrade   When using WorldClient's spell checker, no errors are found and it doesn't seem like it's... XMPP Instant Messaging Server for MDaemon MDaemon 16.5.0 includes support for the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).... test ‘550 5.1.1 User unknown’ – How to fix this email error in Exchange, Postfix and Qmail servers ‘550 5.1.1 User unknown’ is one of the common issues reported by users sending mails to Exchange...
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